The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Twenty-Seven

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Twenty-Seven (first draft)

Wayne chases behind Sabrina
down campus steps.

Calls out,

"Hey, Babe!... Since we've become engaged
I've begun to see you less."

Reaching her side
grabs, then hugs her. Continues

"You look beautiful as always.
Dressed to everyone impress."

His lopsided smile increasing speedily
her heartbeat and her breath.

He outfitted in a black turtle neck
with matching colored slacks
backpack brown leather strap

across a muscled
though lean chest
his leather blazer hooked
on a finger behind his back.

He leaned over to give her red lips a peck
then linked their arms-in-arm

moving them along a vacant grassy track
not suspecting what Sabrina knew.
And what that knowledge,
his revelation to her mom,

emotionally put her through.

Although knowing
may not have really caused him to reconsider

or even to consider
a valid apology or sympathetic

Though it would've probably just sounded
him a warning

ringing his mental male alarm.

Sabrina smiled up at him, since not still angry
loving him as many others did;

as she does;

as he himself,
always first,
will continue to do,

unless his love for Jehovah,
Sabrina or both

does lovingly
his selfishness break through.

Sabrina wanted to talk to eliminate
a fogginess in their relationship.

Whether marriage,
at this time,
should even be their endeavor soon.

But the ping of her phone caught her instant attention.

She glanced down to read:
At Least 3 Shot, 1 Dead After Shooting At Chicago Starbucks*
instilling a suddenly instant gloom

also, Officials say Calif. shoreline hit by Tijuana sewage without warning, residents fall ill

when Wayne grabs hold of her face
for full attention to still active thoughts of others
her empathy to consume.

"Hey you!
What does it take for some affection for your groom?"

"I'm sorry, Wayne.
I guess I must be an addict for news.

It's just that I want to help people feel better about the future

as while as warn them
before Jehovah allows Jesus
to give out divine just due.

You already know how much I love you.
Why don't you help me warn them too."
Sabrina sweetly smiles.

"Yeah, I know, babe...
You're always on the job.

Your poetry earlier spoken
did really make me feel proud.
Yet, sometimes I feel robbed."

As her last question he ignores.
Sabrina laughed loud.

"How can that be
when you're always surrounded by a mob?"

Letting him off for now
because soon they'll have this conversation
of necessity to explore.

Wayne grabs Sabrina's hand and begins to run
down the path towards the oak tree
to where their engagement had spontaneously begun.

Past shouts of "Hey, Wayne!... What's up?"
or "Hi, Wayne, looking good." To "Wayne, call me later."
as if he were alone and they seriously thought he would.

Sabrina often wondered
about the time without him spent.

Jah would not be happy with associates
if they're non-believers bent.

For stated from her childhood: "Do not be misled.
Bad associations spoil useful habits." 1 Cor. 15:33.

So from the same table one should not be fed.

Another cited verse her father with her
constantly rehearsed:

"The one walking with the wise will become wise,
But the one who has dealings with the stupid
will fare badly." Proverbs 13:20.

Sabrina in her heart these words cherished
hearing his voice these words she lovingly nursed

though wondering about Wayne's associates
failing to heed them herself

in regards to Wayne. She put these warnings
way high upon a mental shelf.

Forgetting, "The heart is more treacherous
than anything else

and is desperate.

Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:23
A scripture she should firmly kind in mind.

Especially, when choosing a mate
as a forever companion
thoughtful, loving and kind.

This union to 'yoke' evenly
if destination is blessed
and the path of life
to be traveled smoother

with someone whose goals
mirror yours.

Otherwise, your voyage with violent waves
will rock you

with self-inflicted stress.

Since admonished:

"Prepare your outside work,
and get everything ready in the field;

Then build your house." Proverbs 24:27
Is fine counsel

to all meek ones righteous
seeking to live their best... TO BE CONT'D 10/06/17


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