Why Is True Love Hard to Find?

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the first official post of the blog: IN COMMON. Again, the purpose of this blog is to discuss topics that affect all of humanity, regardless of age, social status, race or sex. Feelings, things or situations that unite us as pride and imperfections causes divisions and wars among us. If we understand our likenesses, perhaps we can tolerate each other's differences.

So, today's topic? ... Why Is True Love Hard To Find?

True, this subject of love can be discussed at length for an eternity and still we would not peak its tip after arduous climbs. But let us try to scale the concept of this wondrous quality.

The subject Happily Ever After makes millions. International daughters are encouraged to search for their prince for life to begin.

So it starts. . . surfing the net, standing in the grocery lines scanning the magazines, watching romance channels, or listening to talk shows. Or one just finds themselves barraged with advice on romantic love from well-meaning family or friends. Even kindergarteners to doctors or specialists offer opinions; give advice from basic wisdom to spicy.

Yet, divorce rates soar.

It seems more are concerned with the actual wedding than life after.

Is 'True Love' really the fairytale?

Love "Will Cool Off"

We are actually living in the 'best of times and the worst of times.' Jesus accurately foretold the conditions and attitudes of our day. He said in “the conclusion of the system of things,” the world would be marked by lawlessness and wars—the very opposite of love!

He also said that “many . . . will betray one another and will hate one another” and that “the love of the greater number will cool off.” (Matthew 24:3-12)

Do you not agree that the world has grown colder and that genuine love is lacking, even within families?

The apostle Paul also gave a detailed social profile, as it were, of “the last days.” He wrote that people would be "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God". (2 Timothy 3:1-4)

Many of these are the supposed princes and princesses of our day!

Are we drawn to proud, unthankful people, to those who are disloyal, who will slander or betray us?  . . . Do we warm to individuals who are in love with themselves, with money, or with pleasures?

Because self-centered people allow greed and personal desires to define and govern their relationships, any interest they show in others is likely to be selfish. Wisely, the Scriptures counsel: “From these turn away.”2 Timothy 3:5.

Did you also notice the statement that people living in the last days would have “no natural affection” or that, as another translation puts it, they would “lack normal affection for their families”?

Sadly, an alarming number of our children are subjected to homes were abusive speech or action is the norm. So, often, what these young ones learn about love they pick up from the media.

But honestly, do the media paint an accurate picture of love, one that will really produce better relationships?

How about examining information from a source that has proven to be successful from the start of man. A source many claim is outdated.

Don't balk!

Is not mankind reverting back to old sources of wisdom for healing health problems and reestablishing family values? Has not the earth and its resources been stripped to almost a point of no return causing individuals to revisit values that worked in the past as we still make progress in areas of science?

We must find the balance.

It is found in a refreshing stream of advice that after drinking thirstily never ceases to quench. It covers this subject of love truthfully, without wild claims and unrealistic promises.

Now don't stop reading, since you've probably guessed it is the Holy Bible. You may even own a copy. It is a 'bestseller'.

No matter what our circumstances or background, the Bible teaches us what we need to know about love. And its counsel is free. And its Author is "The Ancient of Days" (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22) the "King of Eternity" (1 Timothy 1:17; Jude 25) both peerless in wisdom and matchless in love.

Will the Bible enable us to have a good relationship with everyone?

No. With some people we just won't click, no matter how hard we try. And genuine love cannot be forced. (Song of Solomon 8:4)

But, by following Bible principles, our opportunities of cultivating loving relationships with others will increase, with patience and effort.

So, . . . does this not raise the question: What Really Is 'True Love'?

*Please return Saturday to continue this topic, but in the meantime, if you would like, take the poll below, placing your opinion a, b, or c in the comment section.

Thank you for stopping by!

A. very helpful
B. helpful
C. not helpful


  1. A. as having been married now these 36 years i have found love to be quite different to the delusional fantasy of being "in love." i am not always happy or content with my situation but it is stable and reliable and faithful. i do not yet hold the answer to the definition of TRUE LOVE. as you elude its meaning is best understood by examining Scripture. there one finds love in a stew of circumstances and with many facets. we are ultimately alone in this world except for the Lord's presence in our lives...whether we are aware of it or not. He shows us love through the moments of Divine intervention in our days. if we are discerning and look for His hand of guidance we will grow into loving souls and recognize others of the same when random encounters occur. God is Love. the mind of man cannot grasp it but the spirit within knows that through proper and consistent acknowledgement of Him in our lives we grow into a loving disposition toward all, not that we ourselves become better people, but that His Love is manifest through us by the Holy Spirit. to me, this is the only way to pursue the elusive True Love.
    but being a man in this terrestrial bond i find my flesh has a mind of its own and i am often led into arenas where i shouldn't be and do things which are counter-productive to a genuine grasp of love as God would have me experience it. so as Paul says in my paraphrase, "even when i do well sin is there with me." tq

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    2. The apostle Paul spoke of that battle we all have, that inward struggle :-) Enjoyed your comment.

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  2. I have read the bible cover to cover and there are 3 things i have learned about love and marriage. First it was God's will since Adam And Eve all through out the bible that marriage was and still is very sacred. And sexual immorality was not tolerated and last The words of Jesus which were also used by the apostle Paul over and over again. That is love your neighbor as yourself. The word neighbor is a general term for every one else outside your self which includes a marriage mate. If you do all these things love cannot fail.

    Second Corinthians 13:1-14

    4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,+ endures all things. 8 Love never fails.

  3. I dont think anyone here understands each other or God, well enough to offer a truly realistic and correct question or answer. We all percieve things differently. Even this i write here, will mean different things to different people. When "True Love" is mentioned, and the authors blog resonated his inner knowing about this early on! Its about the unity of man & woman. All he might think or all she thinks or feels, all that might be between them if they both should will it to be so. The almighty is called that for a reason i believe. The true love that exists for nature or family or anything else. In my eyes does not fall into the magical realm within tbe image of true love that exists all around us. Yet we see the many facets of love, reflecting true love. when any couple show affection to each other within this world. It to me or how i believe its seen witbin true love between two soulmates is they are looking at a reflection. Commonly regarded as a moon. The moon we know reflects only the light of the Sun. Ponder that

    1. I think I understand your sentiments. But the title of this blog is Why Is True Love Hard to Find? The purpose was to show the prevalent attitudes that exist in our day making it difficult for people to connect. Many priorities are of the sort: Me first, which does not promote a love of others above or beyond self.

      Now, the next blog will describe the characteristics of 'love' which will make it easier to identity or help us to strive and exhibit this exquisite quality in our relationships with others. All the principles are from a source higher than myself or any human, but we are allowed access to its wisdom.

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