The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Sixteen

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Sixteen

on her leisurely walk to class
caught up on current news

though still acknowledging a brilliant sun beaming through
sparse trees with tenacious leaves
beauteous warm orange and brown foliage
pleasing to senses

as her cellphone she perused
thinking of how to use her time on campus spent

not just to attain a degree
but to help pry open closed eyes
denying an upcoming catastrophe--

an elimination of all
who wickedly fail to submit
to God's Righteous Sovereignty

even as we daily watch once strong mountains
now tenuous begin to crash

denoting an inability
of human institutions imperfect
everlastingly to last.

{How San Diego hepatitis A outbreak became the worst the U.S. has seen in decades*]

one title to catch her eye.

Sabrina's concern with the resulting problems that may surely arise
regarding the past fast blood collection in Vegas

although, their goal noble:
to preserve precious lives.

As on this she ponders
on campus performed

a blood drive just yonder.

Sabrina walks by noting ones
who faithfully gave

sadly, many of which needed funds gained
to continue procuring substances
to alleviate mental or heart pain.

Their manner as they stood in line
gay to grave

starched to stained.

Sabrina inadvertently made eye contact
with a female in charge. Her voice to command attention.
Her presence forceful and large.

"Hey!... Would you like to donate today?
We could sure use your help. Just a pint.
What do you say?"

Sabrina meant to just slink by in her pink swede boots
with a hurried step, maybe with a bit of a small cry:
"Sorry. Not today"

as if in any day ever. Since abstaining from blood
her Christian duty an eternal endeavor.

She watched the heads of donator's spin her way
accusatory?...She shrunk in their facial display of curiosity:

Why would she in generosity delay?

She inwardly questioned:
Was this the time a reply to make?
Her dilemma felt:

To hesitate a mistake?

Sabrina looked at the small crowd,
thought of the article just read
that should've made her stand tall; speak proud:

"No thank you.

I heed the Bible's command in Acts 15:29
admonished for faithful Christians: "to keep abstaining... from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality." 

Promised: "If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”"

This article here shows some side effects
of when from this command one deflects.

In many instances Hepatitis A difficult to correct.

Yet, exist many alternatives to blood
one can select. Healthier. Many doctors themselves do elect

for their families, themselves to circumvent problems that taking blood intravenously erects."

This she envisioned herself in the moment courageously, though maybe a bit tactlessly saying

but in reality, she did neglect to use this opportunity
to give others bible truths upon which to reflect.

Forgot the necessity of praying.

Since, her imaginative thoughts showed her this crowd like in the apostle's Pauls' day

chasing her through the campus
hurling expletives and books
even stones her way.

Thus necessitating her duck into a thorny bush as they rushed ahead oblivious of how she did them escape their ambush.

She'd pick up her black backpack
flicked off bird poo and dirt from her cherished pink swede skirt

with a twisted ankle.
Plus wounded pride.
Emotionally hurt

since permitted: To be refined
by His Sovereignty

benevolent and kind.
Because of shirking responsibility
to a wondering mankind.

Remembered in Acts 18:9, 10:

to Paul in a vision by night:

“Do not be afraid,
but keep on speaking
and do not keep silent, 

for I am with you

and no man will assault you
to harm you;”

though, in this mental vision  it did prove partially true. She'd limp home

probably reciting a poem named
Sweetened Tea about her shame:




spill over

caught by


till cool

sweetened tea

made agreeable

after brewed


held firm

in delicately



Thus, Sabrina shook off her fear
because of this picture in her head clear.

Turned around She
to raise a question promoting reason

since she had an audience to hear
in this The Last Day's of a violent season...TO BE CONT'D


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