The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Nineteen (first draft)

As Wayne Sabrina squeezed blissfully painfully tight
to ensure her of his love in honest true might

as birds flew overhead singing
as if in sheer delight of these two embraced

before their hindsight

Sabrina amazingly recalled her morning ritualistic poem

in her memory now clearly cited:

In the morning
as I lay

yes before I rise

before the moment
I pry open my eyes

I inhale deeply
and try to visualize

today's reason
for being.

To my Creator
I give sincere thanks and praise
for providing the breath
for this given day

rain or shine
fast or slow

each and every

a treasure

an opportunity

in wisdom
to grow.

To search for sure
what action to take

what goal to procure.

What decision to make.

For each moment
in which we bask

is given for us
to complete a task:

give generously
be kind
whole-souled in devotion

in works:
pure and fine.

Each moment

like a pearl on a string.

A necklace to wear.
A gem in a ring.


every second
to cherish.


Let each moment
becoming memories


a desire

our years
to collect.

and lovely

His ways;

we continue

if to gratefully

forever and always.

This a precise moment to pause and detect
what her heart threatens... to deflect caution.

Yet, wisdom makes one circumspect.

Even if it angers your loved one
most whom you'd love to everlastingly protect.

Will Sabrina's answer reveal
what she's come to suspect:

Am I wise or weak regarding Wayne?

Will he love or hate me after we've lustfully lain
as did Ammon beautiful Tamar*
raped, then distained?

(Although, Sabrina doubted this
since knowing Wayne much of her life...

yet lately, his inconsistencies
gave her many night sweats
because of his bitterness and strife.)

Also, when daily life begins it grind
almost immediately, like the next day in time

after vulnerabilities are exposed
plain enough to be spoken of bold

are we trained enough to restrain words

to weather each storm of pulverizing rain:
bills, sickness, in-laws, imperfect strains?

Or will we resort to enacting videos
which profess to 'love the way you lie'

ending life to a bed burning tied?

Will he hate me for my desire to constantly train
my brain to resist sins

to my reward gain

as if in competition with God
who both of us ordained?

Oh Wayne, how I love you.

But am I ready to take you on as my husband
even as you hold me

steadily my heart racing

heady my desires?

Wayne loosens his grip
wary that Sabrina from him will eternally slip.

Sabrina gazes tearfully into Wayne's eyes
thinking about his loyalty
daily threatened to compromise.

Wondered whether if difficulty to faithfulness in Jah
is his in each day comprised

then how will she fair better
when imperfection in her only lies... TO BE CONT'D 10/19/17

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