If the Truth Be Told

If the 'Truth' Be Told

If the 'Truth' be told
how many would honestly listen?

'Truth' requires.

Inspires 'truth-seekers' to dig and dig
for facts found missing.

Requires one to think.
To act.

To back up words with actions.
Not on one's laurels relax.

Padded bottoms continue kissing.

If the 'Truth' be told
who should tell it?

Should it be freely given?
Or should the greedy sell it?

If the 'Truth' be told
who would be bold enough to proclaim it?

Or would you slink back to shadows
for the unpopular shame of it?

If the 'Truth' be told would you know it when you heard it?

Or would you sell it or forfeit it
for the luxury of lies

and the profit made
if you just 'water it down' 'stretch it' 'bend it' but not 'protect it'?

Surely, honesty doesn't today pay
or does it?

If the 'Truth' be told
does it depend on why it should be given?

Or should always 'truth' be told?

Does a child need to know
what goes on between parents
as their little minds grow?

Doesn't 'truth' sometimes need to be withheld by those who should withhold?... Like hiding of victims from seeking violent souls.

Is that not love?

Or is this the time when someone does stand up to point out 'truth'?

Or just cold.

If the 'Truth' be told
would your heart sing
for belief in its promises

or the sweet relief it'll bring
to one who struggles to become better
or to know how

in personality or talent or any little thing
to progress in knowledge which eternal life brings?

What is 'truth'?
And how does it sound?

Is it loud or shrill?
Does it drop your head down?

Or is it clear enough for the hard of hearing to adhere?

Is it discernible?
Is it ever fake?

Doesn't 'truth' propel forward
even when knees and hearts shake?

If the 'Truth' be told
where is it found?

Is it everywhere
or do you need a 'bloodhound'?

If the 'Truth' be told
would not the majority reject it?
Since 'truth' sometimes hurts and many choose to suspect it. 

But 'Truth' glows and grows.

One must just open their eyes, ears and hearts.

With those instruments of gold you'll feel the 'truth'.

Then you can grab hold.

And in your life others will see
that you obtained it by how you live your life and endure it.

For in adversities
you'll find peace and joy.

And the courage to show it.

So if the 'Truth' be told
should we not give ear?

For 'Truth' is Divine
from a Creator who holds us dear.


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