Where I Stand

Where I Stand (1st draft)

Where I stand

I want firm, not sand
to know, not speculate
to understand.

Where I stand
I want no fog
no mist to bewilder
no spiritual bog.

Not to wander
from solid, firm
or trade from proof.

Fleeing mystery or shadows,
I desire clearly to discern.

I want/need a Deity 'true'
not figures of fantasy
or a pagan triune aloof.

Many enjoy their traditions
with free-will endowed
to them, familiarly sweet
as paraded ancestry proud
in varied international streets

but leave me to painstaking accuracy,
earnestness, loyalty, loving-kindness,
practical and fine.

Lead me to accounts of people
archeology did uncover in time
already discovered in an ancient book
of origin divine.

Where details prosaic
don't maze the mind.

Where history is the same
over centuries told
whether good or bad
whether cowardly or bold.

Where a thread exists
connecting beginning to end
explaining wickedness
and why righteousness will win.

Where names of heroes,
gods, goddesses imperfect don't claim
pages of allegory, when I just want plain...



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