A Full Moon

A Full Moon

A moonlit walk
along an empty path

a mind in a whirl,

but not anxious
about their back

for fear did cease of man or beast
as love killed hate
in this world of peace

as alone
they stroll 

yet, thoroughly at ease.

A cat decides to swagger along
this tiger gentle as this one roams
his forest home.

They lean to stroke his glorious skin.

He not afraid
they'll wear it thin
for it'll never be hunted
for fashion again

though one does note how soft his coat
their thoughts still float on future plans.

They pick a mushroom to nimble sweet
as a rabbit scurries beyond their feet

a tear from eye
does squeeze release
for told this morning

"Tomorrow to expect,"

their mom, dad
brother, sister,
mate or friend

from death this day
will be released.


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