The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Thirty-Seven (first draft)

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Thirty-Seven (first draft)

Kim worried about Sabrina's constant confine
in her husband's chair, in his library, before a roaring fire for days on end now in a comatose state of mind since Wayne's sudden disappearance.

Wayne's dad sought everywhere with expensive detectives for personal and ardent hire.

Kim turned on a small television for general news as in and out she slowly strolled

yet, Sabrina did not this set with controls peruse.

Instead, she just sat curled under a blanket
with a pillow rolled her weak neck to support. Her bible in hand opened her sanity diligently to protect though, before her mother she thought she projected steady her comportment.

While inside daily she little-by-little died.
Worried that her Creator did her deride
for a love too intense to his jealous eyes hide
for a young man not lately inclined to reside
by their selected Savior's side

since: "Close friendship with Jehovah belongs to those who fear him." Ps. 25:14. Sabrina worried that to his instructions she didn't readily adhere. "For this is what the love of God means,

that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome". 1 John 5:3.

She wasn't even convinced
that he'd gone missing because of a serious offense against him committed.

She wondered if he'd deserted her
for non performance:
In sexuality her love for him
amorously and willingly submitted.

As a light weight movie *Dear Brigitte played
Sabrina blankly stared in a daze
as Kim peeked in sadly always with tea or sandwich lovingly made.

Later that night as the fire died down
and Kim snored lightly on sofa found

Sabrina composed a poem
to empty her heart.

able to sleep finally.

determined for a productive new start.

Broken... My Silence

Delicate raindrops

resplendent drops
resembling crystals falling

chipping away at us

till broken

then swept swiftly away

your love

left me

a fatigued heart

you were once here
holding me without fear

now nowhere near
as I cry out for you
from shadows


behind curtains
of cascading



once hidden inside

do not deride me

my pride
no longer does hide

as delicate raindrops

resplendent drops
rinses away hope

leaving me
spiraling in my lost

this cost raising me too high
as this river of my tears rises me to drown
under thundering why's


I bury

to survive
delicate raindrops

stripping away at my desire
to thrive

do you hear me
can you hear me

calling out
calling out for your return

do you hear me
can you hear me

my heart yearns
appeals to you

forever to burn

do you hear me
can you hear me

please love

do not me

my heart yearns
to again with you flame
as a fire brilliant in darkest nights

do you hear me
can you hear me

please love

to me

in a whirlwind

my delight

in living TO BE CONT'D 12/04/2017

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Words: 506


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