The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Thirty-Nine (first draft)

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Thirty-Nine (first draft)

Kim and Sabrina arrived to the hospital
with Korean guards already set in place.
A round-the-clock family vigil lovingly displayed,

yet laced by an invisible black veil separating Wayne
from his other spiritual family members eyed with disgust, disdain
as they sat together in the lobby respectfully silent

armed with flowers or with hands shoved deep into pockets
as they strolled the corridor's cold floors only stopping to greet others entering this grave-like atmosphere maintained
in maturity discreet

although this variant garden of humble blooms being daily pruned by love and divine direction for eternity groomed
Barbara Kang, Wayne's beautiful mom, discovered
when this earth she graced.

Even as natural disasters, raging fires, cause people to flee; other parts of the country to race.

Urban Leak California Link

Sabrina remembered, her personality vibrant, like Wayne's,
yet tempered like a dove's. In the congregation
named for comparison 'Lydia of Purple'.
Generosity personified warmly became
or in compassion noted
how to give someone needed space.

If she were alive, Mr. Kang would probably concede
to visitations scheduled for Wayne regularly to provide him anything he in love needs

demonstrated with loving cards, flowers, balloons that state:
"Please get well hurriedly, quickly in speed."

After a brief but thorough search
for Sabrina's poem Choose To BE* presented
in a beautifully designed floral small card
a nurse discovered it no longer stood
among many others proudly displayed.
In its absence maybe subliminally stated... it was resented?
Thus, somehow mislaid.
. . . TO BE CONT'D

Choose To BE

*Small to large seeds of fruits and vegetables varied
of themselves do not choose to be apples, berries,
cucumbers, onions sauteed or tomatoes stewed.

Yet, what fruit's sown after planted one can still lose
if while harvesting procrastination is used.

Good choices demonstrate, do define over time
individuals' intelligence or wise minds
as one watches shadows become clearly outlined
in dawns' light. Arrived horizons to make eyes shine.

While indecision chosen creates derision,
divisions, hostility, constant revisions.

So isn't it wisdom to learn how to proceed?

Examine outcomes of those who traveled in speed
gaining notoriety, monetary greed
to end disgraced, buried, alone in tragic need.

However, if bad decisions in life one's made
exists no necessity to in slime stay laid.
Rinse off residue of dues in earnestness paid.

Then crawl, bawl, don a shawl. But walk tall. Convince all
that making a choice to succeed, happily be
eternal life on earth, or in heaven decreed
will be your gift chosen, if accepted, with glee

God's principles to obey. Given lovingly
in earth's beginning to perfect humanity.
God's Kingdom will restore peace, love, security.

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Words: 445


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