The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Forty-Three (first draft)

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Forty-Three (first draft)

When Sabrina recognized Wayne's fathers' feet
she readily bounces up, "Mr. Kang!"
as he extends his hand.

"Sabrina. Let me apologize.
You too are suffering, I realize."

Amazed, Sabrina at this offering sweet.

With that statement Sabrina's eyes anew with tears filled
down her cheeks to generously spill.

"Awww... Mr. Kang!"
she grabs whole of him with force, pure strength
all pent-up emotions that sprang from two weeks harboring these
from Wayne's initial ordeal bringing about this horrible commotion
spreading through her length. Mentally spent.

She holds on to him as if her father real
then becomes consciously aware
that, This, Wayne's dad,
should atrociously bother!

Thus, startled she leaps apart
drops her head, starts: "I'm sorry, Mr. Kang. I lost myself.

It won't happen again." She ends
putting her girlish impulses back on an invisible shelf.

Mr. Kang then her surprises.
He clasps both her hands between his
her lost card in his fingers steadily comprises.
Pulls her down to her vacant seat
beside her sat for a second silent as if embarrassed.

So Sabrina thus repeats:
"I am so sorry, Mr. Kang... How is our Wayne?"

His shoulders fall further following his head.
"This is insane." He softly said.

Sabrina gives him a minute as her heart rapidly pounds.
At least thankful that Wayne still seems to be somewhat in a position grave but sound for Mr. Kang's manner speaks of weariness.

Not of total defeat weighing him down.

Quiet all bystanders in the waiting room for word.
Both parties, Wayne's physical and spiritual family members
sit or stand wrapped in blankets or coats
attentive to their conversation stealthily heard

as images across tv monitors roll ahead constantly
though with voices drowned. Their messages unheard.
Although, with closed-caption conversations and actions continuously scrolled.

Mr. Kang gathers himself in a moments time.
Raises his shoulders. Stiffens his spine.

Amazingly, his expression towards Sabrina
thoughtful and kind.

"Sabrina, I want to thank you and your family and friends
for your kindness to me and mine.

Your generosity. Your consistency despite my rudeness.
My arrogance. My anger bound. Now beginning to unwind.

Your thoughts in this poem I must confess
did make me ponder...Choose To BE...

I do now think Wayne is truly blessed.

Will you do me the honor of also attending to his side?

No longer do you need from me to run or hide.

Your thoughtfulness has made me wonder."

Sabrina thanks Jehovah immediately for Mr. Kang's sayings.
For all-the-while, she'd been, for this change of heart, praying.
As she to his hatred did not retaliate
in harmony with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

Not to your enemies revenge yourselves
or demonstrate hate.*

“You heard that it was said:

‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’

However, I say to you:
Continue to love your enemies
and to pray for those who persecute you,

so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens,

since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.

For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have?

Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing?

And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing?

Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?

You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt. 5: 43-48

With gracious powers of love strenuously exerted. . .TO BE CONT'D. . .


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