The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Twenty-Four (definitely first draft)

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Twenty-Four (definitely first draft)

Mom and I dripped tears
to empathically supply her river Mekong
unearthed compassion

years denied.

Limbs entwined before a dwindling fire
felt hours as Sabrina's mind absorbed mom's Vietnam speech

dad and brutal war.


victims imploring a higher unknown source
amid a verdant beauty by familial blood spotted

historically spoiled. 

which bonded my parents' damaged hearts

Stemmed in senseless brutal violence

rape of her people

Authorities urgently preaching:
"Send still more!"

My parents
plus many others with heartfelt desires
to start fresh

though internally for eternity
seemed to bear this continual brutal
emotional unrest.

But then the Stewarts' blessed with child.

Sprung happiness like spring
covering an earth in refreshing dew.

A trickle of new life
to them joy bring

until unanswered questions
continued their persistent stream.

Did veer conjoined agony
at a cross-road to spiritually part
as dads' learnings instilled within him
an urgency to impart
a love of God Almighty
in his developing child's heart.

This wish Kim did not share.

Instead she pried hard to impair
a relationship budding
as a beautiful rose unfolds.

she contrived to mettle
with Sabrina's Christian's growth
bold in her determination.

Causing a rift
a rupture of discord

perpetuating stress and unhappiness.

Total ruination
of marital bliss.

Also, without a mother's moisture
to feed delicate roots which a daughter needs
as seeds to further sprout a maternal upbringing
to wholly develop

thus boosting her chances
to maturely be an asset to a future
well-rounded family

Sabrina learned sadly
to live without.

Yet, now, understood
her history which impeded.

"A time to be silent
and a time to speak" in Eccl. 3:7,
Sabrina wisely heeded.

Even Jesus' words of John 16:12
spoken to his disciples said:

“I still have many things to say to you,
but you are not able to bear them now"

Sabrina observed.

Did not of a heavenly hope
to her spiritually seedling mother
unnecessarily unload.

Not in spiteful selfishness hold.

Now, Sabrina wisely applied Proverbs 15:28:
"The heart of the righteous one meditates
before answering"

as Wayne's announcement
threatened their mutual cohesion.

"we need to be discerning
when speaking about the truth
to our unbelieving relatives.

We want them to come to know Jehovah,
but we must be patient and perceptive.

Speaking the right words at the right time
may help to open their hearts."

Whereas, dispensing too much
may act as a dart
to pierce the balloon of hope

rising before an eternal Son.

A relationship killed prior to blossoming
in soil cultivated. Proven truths
richly sprung.

Proverbs 25:11 illustrates a vital important fact
of choosing the right time to speak with wisdom and tact:

“Like apples of gold in silver carvings
is a word spoken at the right time.”

Golden apples by themselves... beautiful.

Placed against a background of silver carvings
enhances them beautifully.


picking carefully a suitable time to speak
can make our speech

more appealing
effective to reach enquiring brains
strained by daily trauma

post-traumatic strain.

"A word spoken at the right time—
how good it is!" Proverbs 15:23 explains.

Yes, Kim accepted with heartfelt glee:

“Happy are the mild-tempered,
since they will inherit the earth." Matt. 5:5.

As this she hoped
as the world spinned lopsidedly in turmoil
greedily birthed.

To comprehend God's purpose
the righteous to victoriously defend
stirred her senses to continue her search for answers 

whereas previously
anger vaulted her intellect.

Perched her on a ledge
suicidal to launch

from demons
human and otherwise
detrimental to those dangling on thin limbs.

By pagan traditions
religiously birched.

Sabrina prayed for guidance to convey
love of humanity gloriously displayed

by inviting 144, 000 from this land
to rule as kings and priests
under Christ's righteous command.

This in wisdom
God decreed:

"Yes, in him with whom we are in union and were assigned as heirs,

having been foreordained according to the purpose of the one who accomplishes all things as he decides according to his will". 

These 144, 000 anointed Christians
“bought from the earth,”
“bought from among mankind,”*

to be joint heirs with Christ
in his heavenly Kingdom

in righteousness filled.

For as foretold,

Abraham’s seed—

Jesus Christ along with the 144, 000—

will bring blessings to “people of the nations.”

In this way, all of God’s people benefit
from this arrangement.

Truly, as we contemplate the outworking
of Jehovah’s eternal purpose,

cannot we help but be amazed
at “the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge.”
Rom. 11:33

given at the end of these "critical last days"?

This Sabrina contemplated
as embers of a flame once ignited
now smoldered before she and Kim

waiting for Sabrina to enlighten her
about Wayne's proclamation

indeterminately made... TO BE CONT'D 10/30/17


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