The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Eleven

The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Eleven (first draft)

Wayne looked at Sabrina with black eyes
her bones to melt
as a colored candle's wax
under a dancing flame her smitten soul felt.

Yet, why sadness
did her spirit peek?

Asks she: "Wayne, what is it you want to speak?"

Wayne drops his lids.
It begins to diminish amorous fire.
Instead, with replaced this gnat evasive, nagging
his demeanor
it inspires.

"I know its been months since your final exam's success.

But I must admit, it was not due to me
but from Jah you were brilliantly blessed. You see,
I'd met with the professor so as to sabotage your test.

Remember, how with you I was utterly upset.
Though, that is no excuse, this I must stress...

anyway, my sprained ankle kept me grounded.

I just needed to confess.
Especially since the professor told me:

"I will pass her this time to gain her confidence.
But the future this is what I have in mind.

To destroy her reputation,
thus strip her words of validity
before her peers a mess of confused distress

which, of her proclamations, not to give ear.

So continue to pursue her in intensity.

In the end she will leave the campus
forever, me no longer challenged by her naïve stupidity."

As Sabrina listened
the sky had darkened

she felt the first drops of a gentle rain

though, inside her being
her stomach griped in pain

not so much because of the professor's distain

but her wonderment as to why Wayne
chose this moment to reveal these words.

What is really Wayne's proposed gain?
this distrust ugly twisting her emotions.

Sabrina's fingers through her hair she runs as a comb.
She starts to rise as if to leave
before the weather hampers her progress in getting home
in a safe manner

then slumps back. Grieved,
a scripture sprang to her awareness:

"“If anyone worships the wild beast and its image
and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,

he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God
that is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath,

and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur
in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb.

And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever,
and day and night they have no rest, those who worship the wild beast and its image and whoever receives the mark of its name.

(Sabrina knowing that the 'wild beast' and those that worship it along with the wicked angels' destiny is the same as that of the Devil—eternal annihilation^ as portrayed by Gehenna, as Jesus taught,

since "the soul who sins is the one who will die."# Is just one verse showing that a soul can cease to exist.

Also, Revelation 20:14 states:

"And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire." Eternal destruction is what is denoted instead of a literal fire pagan hot and red

yet, through many claiming Christ it does persist to worry unbelievers' heads. Scare them into activity, rather than motivate them with God and Christ's love in believers' taught to cultivate; bred.)

Here is where it calls for endurance on the part of the holy ones,

those who keep the commandments of God
and hold fast to the faith of Jesus.”

Sabrina recognizes that a majority, of even clergy,
wish for she or her international brotherhood
not of 'God's Kingdom' to preach

since, "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
Satan's hand enriches many

enables them in power many countries to breach. Making it difficult even now mankind to teach

as threatened with removal of life's necessities if not giving worshipful honor to political States, or look to them for salvation.

Despite hardships we may encounter
in carrying out such everyday activities as ‘buying or selling,’

we should not allow ourselves to be pressured into letting the wild beast rule our lives.

Is this what through Wayne
our professor really believes he'll contrive?

Is Wayne 'wheat' or 'weed' 'wicked'?

Someone 'trustworthy' or like Satan to be despised?

"Thanks Wayne for your warning. I'll give it some thought."
Though she wavered in saying more

questioning him she felt she ought
to reassure herself of his new strength
not weakness.

"Who am I to understand true motives?"

to herself she pondered Romans 14:4:

"For has it not been said:

Who are you to judge the servant of another?
To his own master he stands or falls.
Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah
can make him stand."

With that Wayne stood.

Offered Sabrina his hand
as in her heart she acknowledged

love requires
that in true humility and kindness

even to one's enemies in need
one always should... TO BE CONT'D


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