Soon . . . Just YOU Being You, With All Our Various Hues


What are you?... Black, White, Latino too?
Who's your mom, dad, grandparents?
Which side do you choose?

Curious... Why?... Who sets the rules?

DNA crosses human lines
because Adam and Eve held eggs for us all
to look different.


Is anyone available to recall
what they looked like?

Do you think they looked the same?... Then how would they react at each childs' birth when from them all nationalities came?

Think too of all the animals different Adam had to name.

A Creator who loved variety proclaimed
to this first couple: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it". Gen. 1:28.

Made in God's image
they were well equipped to do it
with moral qualities like those of God,

namely, love and justice
patience and kind.

Yes, Jah "made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth". Acts 17:26.

To enjoy the arts, music, food and dance.

Given time and space
how our lives can be enhanced
with speaking, reasoning,

and similar processes of the mind and heart

of which animals are not capable
to their little ones,
to impart;

though created 'instinctively wise'
from their long ago start.

Like dinosaurs and such...

but back to humans...

Free moral agents. With an ability to choose.

Now is the time for each of us to refuse
to take roads, like random waves arising

our lives to eventually eternally lose
if not reeled in 'by the reigns'

of decision making, by means of thinking ability
to racial hatred utterly disdain.

Since lovingly offered life endless
under a peaceful reign. Like originally purposed... You know...paradise.

Where righteousness is enthusically retained.
Think about it:

"Can you imagine a world without warfare, sickness, or death?

No armies, navies, or air forces!
No weapons or war memorials.
No hospitals, doctors, nurses, or health insurance; no morgues, funeral homes, undertakers, or cemeteries!

And with crime gone,
there will be no security industry,
no alarm systems,
no police forces,

perhaps no locks or keys!

Think of the anxiety that will no longer trouble our mind and heart."*

Own home.
Plenty of a variety of foods.
Enjoyable work.
Good friendships and family life.
Natural disasters subdued.

If chosen... Jah's right to rule.

Coming soon...

to an earth near you.


"This means everlasting life,

their coming to know you,
the only true God,

and the one whom you sent,
Jesus Christ." John 17:3.


"God is not partial,

but in every nation
the man who fears him
and does what is right

is acceptable to him." Acts 10:34, 35.


This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God,

whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

For there is one God,

and one mediator between God and men,

a man, Christ Jesus,

who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all". 1 Tim. 2:4-6.


"But the meek will possess the earth,

And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." Ps. 37:11.


"A generation is going, and a generation is coming,
But the earth remains forever." Eccl. 1:4.


Yes, "the appointed time came... to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Rev. 11:18.


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