


all sheep, limping to skipping well,
to this fine shepherd came
as he lovingly knew each dear one by individual given name

watering them near rivers
or lifting buckets
in loving kindness
to thirsty ones give drink

their hearts in gratitude did swell
from waters pure
he enabling 
them to think.

He understood
their dispositions diverse,
backgrounds varied

and in time,
over temperments imperfect
he began from heaven to reign.

as dew lands on plains
verdant in dawn
blossoms colorful
joyfully swaying in unison

they became

yielding fruitage bountiful
as willingly they cultivated qualities divine
to godly ones thankful they appealed

as Christ himself set the model
for his disciples to daily follow

while 'truths' to the meek
he does even more so now
generously reveal

'as you see the day drawing near." Heb. 10:25.

For he was made in the "image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation". Col.1:15.
"The exact representation of his very being," Heb.1:3.

Stressing to us,
the Father's attributes personified
through Christ to us

This recently installed Honorable King.

He magnified his Father's name to the death suffering. Offering a sample of a love superlative
unlike anything, we humans have ever seen.

Our future bright as a horizon after a thunderous storm.

each new day to come

under 'new scrolls' opened
for an eternity.

All praises to Jah
His children
will in peace and harmony sing:

“Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Rev. 7:10.

After all the 'signing and groaning' in darkness
this 'system of things' did to us




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