Show Us Favor

Show us favor
I do implore.

Show us favor
all the more

for You know how You have formed us:

"Remembering that we are dust." Ps. 103:14.

Show us favor
I do plead.

Show us favor
during our anxiety:

"As for mortal man,
his days are like those of grass;

He blooms like a blossom of the field.

But when a wind blows, it is no more,
As though it was never there." vss. 15, 16.

Show us favor.
Our supplications heed

In rapid speed.

For I well know that Your loyal love
is for an eternity

"towards those who fear"...You. vs. 17

For those who
Respect and honor Your King Son

Your Sovereignty:

"Jehovah has firmly established his throne in the heavens;
And his kingship rules over everything.

Praise Jehovah, all you his angels, mighty in power,
Who carry out his word, obeying his voice.

Praise Jehovah, all his armies,
His ministers who do his will.

Praise Jehovah, all his works,
In all the places where he rules.

Let my whole being praise Jehovah." vss. 19-22.

"Let me praise Jehovah;

Let everything within me praise his holy name.

Let me praise Jehovah;

May I never forget all that he has done." vss. 1, 2.


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