Ten Miles High
Ten Miles High (contest Cloudy with a chance of poetry)
Ten miles high
into a darkening sky
to peer
not afraid, but respectful
I have no fear
behind my window pane
without lights interior, I'm still while lying
as you rumble your words
increasingly saying, "I'm loud.
I'm proud. I'm mighty." His sound.
It goes without saying.
Ten miles high
into a darkening sky
to peep from behind sheer curtains
as a breeze lifts them before I do sleep.
Waving as sails on a ship at sea.
as if cocooned. Me.
Curled into a ball inside my room
free to release. Free to breathe
slowly, deeply, with security.
Ten miles high
into a darkening sky
I'm hearing your voice as nearer it comes
drumming my heart like a strum down in an African land
where I see
wild is freeing on a vast horizon
and a night sky is lit in intensity
and every little one is sure to be
sheltered and safe
fed and bed
not crouched frightened and alone
under a bush or a tree
as a world releases its hatred
and blinding apathy.
Pleased I am to gaze
into ten miles high of clouds
now darkening another lovely night sky
spread the world over
to rain and thunder
to produce fruitage bountiful
for all children
of conjoined
This promise soon to be fulfilled
for all of Adam's obedient progeny:
"He will render judgment among many peoples
And set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.
They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one will make them afraid,
For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken." Micah 4:3, 4.
Rain & Thunder Relaxation
into a darkening sky
to peer
not afraid, but respectful
I have no fear
behind my window pane
without lights interior, I'm still while lying
as you rumble your words
increasingly saying, "I'm loud.
I'm proud. I'm mighty." His sound.
It goes without saying.
Ten miles high
into a darkening sky
to peep from behind sheer curtains
as a breeze lifts them before I do sleep.
Waving as sails on a ship at sea.
as if cocooned. Me.
Curled into a ball inside my room
free to release. Free to breathe
slowly, deeply, with security.
Ten miles high
into a darkening sky
I'm hearing your voice as nearer it comes
drumming my heart like a strum down in an African land
where I see
wild is freeing on a vast horizon
and a night sky is lit in intensity
and every little one is sure to be
sheltered and safe
fed and bed
not crouched frightened and alone
under a bush or a tree
as a world releases its hatred
and blinding apathy.
Pleased I am to gaze
into ten miles high of clouds
now darkening another lovely night sky
spread the world over
to rain and thunder
to produce fruitage bountiful
for all children
of conjoined
This promise soon to be fulfilled
for all of Adam's obedient progeny:
"He will render judgment among many peoples
And set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.
They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one will make them afraid,
For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken." Micah 4:3, 4.
Rain & Thunder Relaxation
Cloudy with a chance of poetry - Becki Friend
The Thunderstorm—Awesome King of the Clouds
The Thunderstorm—Awesome King of the Clouds
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