The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Forty-Four (first draft)
The Apocalypse--A Revelation ... Chapter Forty-Four (first draft)
robed in tattered floral cotton
balled in comfort in her bedroom window box,
with cooling hot coco in hand
She and Mr. Kang walked the longest short distance down a chilly hospital hall active with saving energy, antiseptically cleansed
as a Mr. Kang changed,
now kindly gentle to her
"Education should help people become useful members of society. It should also help them develop an appreciation of their cultural heritage and live more satisfying lives.”—The World Book Encyclopedia
he quoted
emphasizing why he pushed Wayne so hard.
This beloved handsome son of whom he proudly doted
causing this quote to spring to Sabrina's mind:
"Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time." Prov. 25:11.
Her desire to ease his fatherly pain
even though for years he her haughtily disdained
causing her and Wayne daily grief
emotional strain
with his tunnel vision adding crippling brutal strength
removing any tender slack
from necessary parental reins.
Unlike Sabrina's father
also imperfect though trying
to imitate their heavenly father.
Not enviously vying
for Sabrina's adoring worship.
Inculcating into her precious scriptures as morsels to feed
thus train her youthful hungry heart
and open mind to heed
as indeed Paul mentioned about Timothy
whose example to us proves wisdom withstands:
"and that from infancy you have known the holy writings,
which are able to make you wise for salvation
through faith in Christ Jesus." 2 Tim. 3:15.
Yes, needed to apply this verse:
"I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all your activity;
I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands." Ps. 143:5.
Her father teaching her to ruminate upon things of eternal value
though education worldly can also temporarily changing horizons expand.
Daily these musings encouraged to make:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer." Ps. 19:14.
"Ponder over* these things; be absorbed in them, so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people." 1 Timothy 4:15.
The Almighty Creator and his mighty Son's example carving into Sabrina's consciousness the necessity of building her life around
godly devotion. Designing worthwhile and productive plans
never a mistake
since: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength.
The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy,
making the inexperienced one wise." {Ps. 19:7.]
Her vow like ancient King Hezekiah's:
"I take your reminders as my permanent possession,
For they are the joy of my heart." Ps. 119:111.
"Your reminders are wonderful.
That is why I observe them." Ps. 119:129.
As King Solomon once stated:
"A wise person listens and takes in more instruction;
man of understanding acquires skillful direction". Proverbs 1:5.
Because, as Jesus says: “everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does them
will be like a discreet man
who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24.
Yes, Jesus "said: “happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!” Luke 11:28
"If you know these things, happy you are if you do them." John 13:17
For, "Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked
And does not stand on the path of sinners
And does not sit in the seat of scoffers.
But his delight is in the law of Jehovah,
And he reads His law in an undertone day and night." Ps. 1:1, 2.
So, to Mr. Kang Sabrina did say:
"Don't worry, Mr. Kang... Wayne and I both know you've actually always tried to give him your best." As, to Wayne's side they did eventually progress.
But upon visuals of Wayne laid
with head wrapped head in white gauze
pink in color in some areas glazed
Sabrina almost became crazed.
Spun to grab hold of Mr. Kang
her eyes flooding; her vision hazed:
"What happened to him Mr. Kang?!" she cried
as Mr. Kang stared over her
to his son.
Her voice barely heeded
though eventually he related:
"They say, if he lives, he'll never be the same."
His words sedated. His demeanor?... Dazed... TO BE CONT'D.
robed in tattered floral cotton
balled in comfort in her bedroom window box,
with cooling hot coco in hand
She and Mr. Kang walked the longest short distance down a chilly hospital hall active with saving energy, antiseptically cleansed
as a Mr. Kang changed,
now kindly gentle to her
"Education should help people become useful members of society. It should also help them develop an appreciation of their cultural heritage and live more satisfying lives.”—The World Book Encyclopedia
he quoted
emphasizing why he pushed Wayne so hard.
This beloved handsome son of whom he proudly doted
causing this quote to spring to Sabrina's mind:
"Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time." Prov. 25:11.
Her desire to ease his fatherly pain
even though for years he her haughtily disdained
causing her and Wayne daily grief
emotional strain
with his tunnel vision adding crippling brutal strength
removing any tender slack
from necessary parental reins.
Unlike Sabrina's father
also imperfect though trying
to imitate their heavenly father.
Not enviously vying
for Sabrina's adoring worship.
Inculcating into her precious scriptures as morsels to feed
thus train her youthful hungry heart
and open mind to heed
as indeed Paul mentioned about Timothy
whose example to us proves wisdom withstands:
"and that from infancy you have known the holy writings,
which are able to make you wise for salvation
through faith in Christ Jesus." 2 Tim. 3:15.
Yes, needed to apply this verse:
"I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all your activity;
I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands." Ps. 143:5.
Her father teaching her to ruminate upon things of eternal value
though education worldly can also temporarily changing horizons expand.
Daily these musings encouraged to make:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer." Ps. 19:14.
"Ponder over* these things; be absorbed in them, so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people." 1 Timothy 4:15.
The Almighty Creator and his mighty Son's example carving into Sabrina's consciousness the necessity of building her life around
godly devotion. Designing worthwhile and productive plans
never a mistake
since: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength.
The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy,
making the inexperienced one wise." {Ps. 19:7.]
Her vow like ancient King Hezekiah's:
"I take your reminders as my permanent possession,
For they are the joy of my heart." Ps. 119:111.
"Your reminders are wonderful.
That is why I observe them." Ps. 119:129.
As King Solomon once stated:
"A wise person listens and takes in more instruction;
man of understanding acquires skillful direction". Proverbs 1:5.
Because, as Jesus says: “everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does them
will be like a discreet man
who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24.
Yes, Jesus "said: “happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!” Luke 11:28
"If you know these things, happy you are if you do them." John 13:17
For, "Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked
And does not stand on the path of sinners
And does not sit in the seat of scoffers.
But his delight is in the law of Jehovah,
And he reads His law in an undertone day and night." Ps. 1:1, 2.
So, to Mr. Kang Sabrina did say:
"Don't worry, Mr. Kang... Wayne and I both know you've actually always tried to give him your best." As, to Wayne's side they did eventually progress.
But upon visuals of Wayne laid
with head wrapped head in white gauze
pink in color in some areas glazed
Sabrina almost became crazed.
Spun to grab hold of Mr. Kang
her eyes flooding; her vision hazed:
"What happened to him Mr. Kang?!" she cried
as Mr. Kang stared over her
to his son.
Her voice barely heeded
though eventually he related:
"They say, if he lives, he'll never be the same."
His words sedated. His demeanor?... Dazed... TO BE CONT'D.
Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time.—Prov. 25:11.
Since cultures and religious beliefs vary greatly, we need to be discerning when it comes to choosing the right time to speak. And there are many occasions when we may need to discern that. For example, someone may offend us, even with well-intentioned words. It would be prudent on our part to take time to reflect on whether the matter is serious enough to say something. If we must speak, it would not be wise to approach the offender when we are upset and perhaps might speak a bit rashly. (Prov. 15:28) Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Speaking the right words at the right time may help to open their hearts. w15 12/15 3:6, 8, 9
Since cultures and religious beliefs vary greatly, we need to be discerning when it comes to choosing the right time to speak. And there are many occasions when we may need to discern that. For example, someone may offend us, even with well-intentioned words. It would be prudent on our part to take time to reflect on whether the matter is serious enough to say something. If we must speak, it would not be wise to approach the offender when we are upset and perhaps might speak a bit rashly. (Prov. 15:28) Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Speaking the right words at the right time may help to open their hearts. w15 12/15 3:6, 8, 9
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